This is a great video that takes the time to explain dyslexia and features conversations with experts, parents, and dyslexic students. It is a 50 minute video, and it's definitely worth watching every minute. I watched it twice!
Teach Your Dyslexic Child Typing Skills and Watch Performance Improve
February 28, 2017 – Posted in: typing
It could be the most significant skill and classroom accommodation that a dyslexic student can receive. Teaching your dyslexic child typing skills will benefit them at every level of education. Typing words on a computer can be an easy workaround for some of the struggles of dyslexic children. Studies show that when dyslexic kids adopt keyboarding
How to Teach Your Child with Dyslexia the Months of the Year — in Order
February 8, 2017 – Posted in: remembering sequences
Certain things are simple for some of us to learn, and not so simple for others. For those of us with dyslexia, memorizing the order of things — even fairly common things like days of the week and months of the year — can seem like a big hurdle. But research has helped us understand
Fun Tips for Teaching Your Dyslexic Child the Months of the Year
February 1, 2017 – Posted in: Learning Calendars
Once your student has mastered the order of the days of the week, (see our recent post “How to Teach Kids with Dyslexia the Order of the Days of the Week”) they’re ready to learn the weeks and months of the year and to discover how a calendar is laid out. In the process, they’ll
How to Teach Kids with Dyslexia the Order of the Days of the Week
April 7, 2016 – Posted in: remembering sequences
Many people with dyslexia find it hard to memorize the order of fairly common information like the days of the week, months of the year and the alphabet. Let’s look at why that is, and how we can help dyslexics overcome this challenge. Research reveals that dyslexic people have less than average brain activity in
Is Your Dyslexic Student Mixing Up the E and I vowels?
March 1, 2016 – Posted in: spelling tricks
It's pretty common for people to mix up the short e (sounds like "eh") and the short i (sounds like "ih") in our culture. The word pen can sound a lot like pin, for example. Here are a few simple steps to help your student tell the difference between the two vowel sounds. You'll begin by
Does Your Dyslexic Child Confuse the Letters b and d?
February 17, 2016 – Posted in: spelling tricks
Is your student confusing the lowercase letters b and d? It’s a common problem for people with dyslexia. Here’s a simple method to help them learn the difference for both reading and writing. This fun method simplifies the complicated task of telling the difference between a b and a d, because your student only has
See to Spell: Resources for Students with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
January 29, 2015 – Posted in: sight wordsWelcome to See to Spell! We are here to give a message of hope to you parents, teachers, tutors and administrators of kids who have difficulty learning those difficult “sight words” or struggle with other learning challenges. We know trying to find solutions that really help can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in